Thursday, February 19, 2009


I posted this on the One-Year challenge blog, but I wanted it here too.

Ok, so I often feel very overwhelmed. Feeling like I have a ton to do, no time, etc.

I think this semester has had a LOT less rhythm than last semester. The only thing that was different last semester was the fact that I got to bed between 10:30 and 11:30 just about every school night. I even had
more credit hours. I just felt so much more on top of things.

SO... I have made a detailed schedule. and I really really want to stick to it. The important additions are the times spent in my room in the evenings. These are the things I need to focus on. Too often I find myself dinking around during those times.

And, as much as I hate to admit it, I think the television really has been a problem. I think I took too much pride in the fact that in the past couple years I have done pretty well at doing without television. But apparently I got sucked in again.

I did leave myself a couple hours. I really like when Mattie and I just sit on the couch with our lappys, making fun of commercials and showing each other our internet findings. They are good times.

so here it is! *fanfare* I really really want to stick to this.

oh, and the oscars are on sunday. haha oops.

1 comment:

Echo said...

Funny, I did a similar thing this semester.
I'm taking more credits than I've ever taken. And i've found that the only way to get everything done is to schedule every minute of every day, because any "spare time" actually ends up being procrastination time.