Sunday, February 22, 2009

Failed attempts at cooking

I just attempted to make a baked potato. I overcooked the broccoli and what came out of the microwave looked like a small, brown, shriveled creature.

So, in lieu of that, I cut up some cheddar, and strawberries, and I have some great whole grain sesame crackers and a couple yeast rolls. Not an extremely diverse meal, but a tasty and pretty wholesome one nonetheless.

I am currently sitting on the couch, waiting for the Oscars, converting some video, and feeling a small sense of dread about the week ahead. Praying for motivation, courage, and a desire to work hard, instead of the small voice that always encourages me to take shortcuts.

Thursday, February 19, 2009


I posted this on the One-Year challenge blog, but I wanted it here too.

Ok, so I often feel very overwhelmed. Feeling like I have a ton to do, no time, etc.

I think this semester has had a LOT less rhythm than last semester. The only thing that was different last semester was the fact that I got to bed between 10:30 and 11:30 just about every school night. I even had
more credit hours. I just felt so much more on top of things.

SO... I have made a detailed schedule. and I really really want to stick to it. The important additions are the times spent in my room in the evenings. These are the things I need to focus on. Too often I find myself dinking around during those times.

And, as much as I hate to admit it, I think the television really has been a problem. I think I took too much pride in the fact that in the past couple years I have done pretty well at doing without television. But apparently I got sucked in again.

I did leave myself a couple hours. I really like when Mattie and I just sit on the couch with our lappys, making fun of commercials and showing each other our internet findings. They are good times.

so here it is! *fanfare* I really really want to stick to this.

oh, and the oscars are on sunday. haha oops.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

60 degrees in February

I just wanted to make a list of things that enriched my day today. I am still very very overwhelmed, but I have attempted to make some progress. I still have a long way to go, but today had some lovely points.

-I did not have to wear a coat.
-It got above 60 degrees!
-The sun was shining!
-16mm was all about producing and I got really excited about script breakdowns.
-I met a calico kitty sleeping in the sunshine in an antique shop. I pet him for a while, and he purred.
-I met a doggie in another antique shop. A very fluffy, black, licky, happy doggie. I pet her for a while as well.
-I sat around the Gretz's dining room table with Anna and Sara and talked while eating some yummy oatmeal.
-I accidentally fell asleep for three hours. (This wasn't an extremely good thing, but it sure felt good)
-The Willy Wonka episode of Family Guy is on.


Oh my goodness. So much going on.

-Producing a film that is to be shot in about a month. ack!
-Making two editing-intense web videos.
-Writing a long paper about a significant journey in my life. Not something you can really just write. I have to try and switch my brain off of school mode and into writing emotionally mode.
-Reading, writing, and thinking about Global Development/Poverty.
-Understanding and practicing Algebra concepts. (that are NOT review, actually. lame.)
-Realizing I will hopefully be done with school in June and trying to make sure I accomplish that.
-Doing my taxes.
-Oh, you know. Other things.