Thursday, October 30, 2008

Letters to my Daughters

This morning, the Today Show featured a small spot with Maya Angelou regarding her new book, Letters to my Daughter.

Mattea and I were blown away by her. We just kept turning to each other with eyes wide. Some people just bring their presence and spirit crashing into whatever context they find themselves in. In the midst of the cheesy, shallow journalism that is the Today Show, Maya Angelou brought her love, confidence, humility, and faith.

She told Ann Curry, "I have no daughter. This book was written for all my daughters, no matter their color, race, age, or sexual orientation. This book was written for you."

I can't even find words to explain the experience. I want to meet Maya. And needless to say, I want to read this book.


heather said...

thank you for reminding me that i need to add that book to my list of books to buy.

i LOVE maya angelou. i have read every single one of her biographies. she is an intense genius of a woman.

Ashley Ruth said...

I had the privilege to see Maya speak at GVSU my freshman year!!! It was in the fieldhouse arena. I was so geeked. She was beautiful, and I was in awe of her the entire time she was on stage. I'd really like to read this book; thanks for posting about it -- I'm not sure I'd have heard of it otherwise!!!