Wednesday, October 22, 2008

halleleujah...salvation and glory...

Last night I got to go to His House for the first time in a while. Well, I was there to shoot a scene with Lindsey afterwards. But I'm glad I was there. Sometimes I forget what it's like to sing with a group. We sang a song that reminded me of TST (long ago, when I was a camper) and it's one of my favorite songs. and it just felt lovely to sing. Plus it's in rounds, so it sounds gorgeous.

I am being provided for.

halleleujah salvation and glory
honor and power unto the lord our god
for the lord our god is almighty
the lord our god is omnipotent
the lord our god, he is wonderful

all praises be
to the king of kings
and the lord of lords
he is wonderful

1 comment:

كارولين said...

I really love that song!