Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Winter Song

I just tuned into The Tonight Show for the tail end tonight. I always forget that Conan doesn't actually start until 12:35.

But I am so glad I did. Sometimes I am just in a place where a song can reach straight through me to the core. This one was called Winter Song, sung by Ingrid Michaelson and Sara Bareilles. Now, I am as sick of "not gonna write you a love song..." as anyone else. But tonight, Winter Song was so beautiful to me.

Immediately after it was over, I opened my laptop and begged it for internet. Miraculously, a totally new network appeared and allowed me to get the album from itunes (it's called The Hotel Café). It was probably a Christmas miracle.

Some of my recent days have been rough. I'm trying to do and think all the right things. Trying to be healthy, etc. But nothing feels natural. I have no rhythm. Everything is forced or difficult.

I don't want to be that way. But then, what I do is try not to be that way.

I think some surrender is in order.

1 comment:

jasrockstar said...

surrender is a beautiful thing.
In other news, i'm glad we're blog friends again.. remember the wonderful xanga days? man.. Anyways, i'd love to see you and your family soon, let me know what the next few weeks look like.