Saturday, April 11, 2009

What's the buzz?

Ok, here are my thoughts on Jesus Christ Superstar, because I know you were dying to hear them.

So, the really funny thing about JC Superstar is that there are two main groups that think I'm crazy for liking it: a) Fellow Christians who find the musical super offensive, and b) most of my peers who think the musical is just terrible and cheesy.

Couple disclaimers...
1) I grew up listening to the soundtrack as a kid. My mom would play it while she cleaned the house. Well, this, and A Hard Day's Night.
2) Because of my upbringing, I am really good at not being distracted by the singing in musicals. I know for most people, they kind of just freak them out, whoa they just broke into song, huh?
3) My thoughts mostly center around the film version that came out in 2000. Pretty low budge, but again, saw it for the first time when I was 12, so I didn't notice.

So, onto it, then.

Mostly I love its emphasis on the humanness of the characters. It imagines situations that could totally have been between the lines of scripture, and I think really stays true to the biblical character of Christ and the rest of the characters.

Mary Magdalene could totally have had a thing for Jesus. He was well, a perfect man. Again, I really love the focus on this human experience and possible struggles of biblical characters.

There is also a great deal of focus on Christ's struggle with his fate. And the human aspect of having to trust God when you don't necessarily know the plan.

Oh, and his anger in the temple. Great. As well as his getting tired from healing people. Jesus got tired.

I love the political undertones. Really emphasizing how much Jesus was shaking up the scene. His effect on religion, Rome, etc. The fine line he walked between revolution and non-violence. Even his own followers... they wanted an over-thrower of the Roman empire. Then he comes out with the Sermon on the Mount and they're all like, um... what?

In, the title song, Jesus Christ Superstar, Judas questions Jesus on why he came into this primitive culture? Why not come in the future? When we have television and media? He could be so much more successful. Interesting.
"If you'd come today, you could have reached a whole nation
Israel in 4 BC had no mass communication."

And finally Judas. I love this imagining of his situation. He really wants what's best for the movement. He questions Jesus on his motives, popularity, etc. His struggle and fall is so heartbreaking. And at every betraying turn, Christ reaches out to him in grace. ugh. Rip your heart out.

It's just nice to remember that these were all humans: Mary, Pilot, Judas, and yes, even Jesus Christ were stuck in this existence.


Bill said...

I've always liked JC Superstar...maybe because my mom listened to it religiously (har har) while I was in my formative years.

I do like the focus of the human aspect, I just wish there were some more reference to divinity, but such is Andrew Lloyd Webber. The word "God" appears not once in Joseph & the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat!

I always wished there'd be a combined production of Cats and JCS.

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annogus said...

haha kitty messiah?

I went through a rather short, but intense Cats phase in middle school. It was a crazy thing.

Echo said...

We can drink together anytime. Any given day, I am probably drinking, and would love someone to join me!